Welcome To Golden Gate Dairy Factory

Golden Gate Dairy Manufacturing Company was established in 2022. Based in United Arab Emirates. The most important reason for a company to be successful is, to be conformed to the previous Planning system, and to make a field study for the demand on the product and the services which could be offered by the issued company in the community, and to see how the possibility of accommodating the demand to determine the size and times of supply and demand when it will end.





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About The Factory

Built on a land area of (15.000) square meters and consists factory of’seven production lines, with the latest machines and technologies in the field of packaging, and the factory is provided with a system to generate nitrogen and to save coated materials and prolong the life of the product, and the factory enabled and automatic system with the latest global technology and there is a team full of all disciplines oversees the process of packing and packaging production and quality control.

Production Capacity
  • 50 tons per day from 400 grams to 800 grams
  • 35 tons per day of filling 1 kg to 2.5 kg
  • 75 tons per day to mobilize 5 kg to 25 kg
Package Sizes
  • From 15 g to 2.5kg
  • From 5 kg to 25 kg
  • As requested by the customer


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